Monday, July 10, 2006

Drive-Thru Theology

It is always a great idea to have tracts in your car. Tracts stashed in your car are perfect for giving to toll booth workers, people you ask for directions, gas attendants and drive-thru workers!

Just today I gave one to the McDonalds drive-thru guy while picking up some early morning breakfast. After I paid, I handed him a Ticket to Heaven tract. Now, usually people will just take them and I'll be on my way, but every now and again you will get someone who eagerly takes the tract and begins reading it right then and there. As he inspected it, I told him what it was and he responded that he already had a ticket to heaven. When I asked him what was his ticket he told me, "The Lord, who is in my heart." I asked, "So you're a Christian?!" He told me that he was a Roman Catholic so I asked whether he had been born again (John 3:3). He asserted that he was. He called himself a born again Roman Catholic. Now this is when things got really weird. I said, "Yeah man, thats our only ticket to heaven, our Lord Jesus." He responded with, "Not Jesus. His Father."

So this took us off into a discussion as to who Jesus really is. He said that Jesus was the Son of the Father and Mary, that He was created, and that the true Lord is God the Father. I urged him to make sure he was believing in the right Jesus because the Bible makes it perfectly clear that Jesus Christ is in fact more than just the "Son of Mary". I referred him to John 1:1-14 which says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" and "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us." Those verses make it clear that God, the Creator of all things, became flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as the Lord of lords, and King of kings. I also pointed to the verses where Jesus told Phillip, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father," and "I and the Father are One" and "Before Abraham was, I AM. "I AM" is the same name by which God identified Himself to Moses and the children of Israel. Still he insisted that Jesus was just "God's Son and not God Himself." I then reminded him that the Holy Trinity (which I assumed he believed in being that he was a Roman Catholic) teaches that Christ is Himself God. He wasnt hearing it.

As his co-workers urged him to get back to work, I urged him one last time to make sure he was believing in the right Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that if you don't have the Son, you dont have the Father. Then we said our good-byes and I moved forward to the second window to pick up my McGriddle. Who knows? Maybe now he'll go home and crack open his Bible and see the truth of who Jesus really is?! Remember, it isnt our job to convert the sinner's heart, it is to point them toward the Savior. I pray to God that He will open that guy's understanding and lead him safely into the arms of the true Jesus of the Bible, the Lord of the universe. This would not have happened if I didn't carry tracts in my car!



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